Friday, October 8, 2010

More pictures and first "bath!"

Here are a few pictures from the first week of October.  Though you may not notice it, the boys are already changing.  They're getting bigger each day!

 Dad holding Dean like a football.  Dean hangs on to dad's arm with his legs.  So cute!
 Aunt Kate with Dean and Mom with Daniel the day Aunt Kate had to go back to Minnesota. :( Sad day!
 Aunt Elizabeth with Dean at his 1am feeding on their stop through town.
 Uncle Luke with Daniel at his 1am feeding.
 Mom trying to take a nap with Daniel (L) and Dean (R).
Mom holding Daniel (L) and Dean (R) in the diaper bag Rosemary made for us.  That's about as creative as we get with photos!

I gave the boys their first "bath" on Tuesday.  Their umbilical cords fell off over the weekend except for a tiny little bit that's still lodged inside, so we're not able to give them an actual bath yet.  This was more like a washcloth bath.  Here are a couple pictures plus a couple video clips of the traumatic event.  Enjoy!

 Cue the scary music...
 Daniel in his "before" picture.  Poor guy has no idea what's in store for him.
 Daniel was cold and unhappy with momma in this picture.  He really is bigger than this picture shows.  It looks like the bath is pretty big compared to him but when his legs are straight he almost fills the length of the tub.
 He was much happier once he was wrapped snug in his towel...even though this picture doesn't show it!  Aunt Jennifer (dad's sister) made the boys some hooded towels but they're a bit large for them at this stage.  So, I just laid the boys on them once they were wrapped in their little towels.
 Dean looking so peaceful before his bath.

I didn't get a picture of Dean in the tub because he was so upset about being naked and cold.  So, here is the after shot.  He had worked himself up so much that he was hungry...again!  He's trying to chew on his towel in this picture.

And here is a video clip of Dean in the tub write after I finished bathing him.  I took a small clip of Daniel as well, but I forgot to cover him with a washcloth so I won't post that one on here.

Here is a clip of Daniel after the bath...

After their bath and feeding we dressed them up and took some pictures.  Obviously we aren't professional photographers, but I think they turned out cute anyways.

 Daniel (L) and Dean (R) lying on the quilt Grandma Linda made along with dad's teddy bear from when he was little.
 Daniel relaxin' against dad's teddy bear "Beeker" in the adorable outfit Rozella and Norville (from church) gave us for at the baby shower.
Dean snuggled up against Beeker for a little snooze during the photo op.  That little outfit is just adorable, especially the hat!

If you'll notice, the hat actually fits Dean nicely, but it's a bit large on Daniel.  Just one of the many differences between the boys.  Dean has the large, round Hamby head and Daniel has the longer, narrow Smith head.

Okay, I think I'm done with updates for the week!  You're now up-to-date with the pictures and stories we have thus far.  Anytime you want to stop by the house, let us know.  Come back and visit the blog soon!

The Smiths


  1. What a mean mom! Who needs a bath, anyway.

  2. Ah, yes. This coming from the mom who didn't film or take pictures of her son's traumatic first bath! While he loves baths now, I seem to remember you telling me he hated his first bath! Besides, they smell so good after a bath and lotion...mmmmm. Clean baby smell! Love it! ~Marisue

  3. Your boys are sooooooo cute and adorable! Praise the Lord for His goodness and protection. We love you guys and hope to see you when we come to Arizona at the end of this month. :)
    Steve and Ginny
    (Kendra's Mom and Dad)

  4. Steve & Ginny! We would love to see you when you come to AZ! Danny & Dean can always use another Oma & Opa! Thanks for following us on the blog. We look forward to seeing you soon. Love, Marisue
