Friday, July 30, 2010

30 weeks down. How many more to go?

With each week that passes we are thankful the boys are continuing to remain in oven.  Even though our goal is to make through August, we'd really like to make it as far into September as possible before they arrive.  That way they have time to get as fat as possible!  That, and of course it gives their organs more time to develop...namely their lungs.

At my last appointment a couple weeks ago I weighed 142 and the boys were 2.3 and 2.0 pounds.  Yesterday at my appointment I weighed 146 and the boys weighed 3.2 and 3.9 pounds!  So, the three of us had a major growth spurt!  And let me tell you!  I'm feeling that growth!  My big belly is extra itchy and the faint stretch mark lines are starting to appear.  My lung space is rapidly decreasing and my ankles & feet are nice and swollen by the end of the day.  In fact, they border the cankle line (you know, when your calves and ankles meld together)!  I tell Scott that the only way for the swelling to go down is if he massages my feet and calves.  So far that's working! :0)  Now I just need to think of a good reason to continue the massages once the boys are born...hhhhmmmm.  Any suggestions?

Here is a picture from my ultrasound this week.  It is Baby B's face.  The tech got the picture just as our little guy was trying to get his thumb in his mouth.  It looks like he's actually picking his nose with his thumb!

This past Saturday we had our second and final 3D/4D ultrasound at the Stork Vision in Chandler.  Some of the family came to visit and bring baby supplies so they joined us.  As you can tell, it's not as many as we had at the first one, but it was still a lot! 

Thanks for coming to visit!  And thanks mom, Aunt Sarah and Aunt Elainea for all the matching outfits for the boys.  Now people will definitely know they are twins when we take them out. 

Have a good weekend!  Hopefully some of you are able to enjoy the monsoon rain like we've been getting here in Tempe!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Today was another Dr. appointment and ultrasound.  The "fun" glucose tolerance test was also today.  Yuck!  I know I'm not the only one who doesn't like the nasty, orange glucola you have to swig down in less than 5 minutes.  Getting my blood drawn an hour later was nothing compared to actually drinking that, and I don't like needles!  This marked my 26th week.  In one more week the boys will officially be classified as "viable".  That is such a big milestone for twins and I'm thankful everything is moving along without complications. 

Here are some stats from today's appointment...I now weigh 140lbs.  I'm 26 weeks pregnant and am measuring 31 weeks.  Blood pressure is fine, no swelling and hopefully no gestational diabetes.  The boys now weigh 2lbs each.  They are extremely active and from the ultrasound, we could see that their favorite things to do are kick and punch each other as well as jump on and kick my bladder!  Their womb space is quickly shrinking because they are starting to really fill up any available space there is in there. 

This week the boys have really been active.  I can stare at my belly and see them punch and kick it.  I'm going to have to monitor the movement to see how often they are just being still.  Something tells me it won't be very often!  I spent almost 2 hours at my ultrasound today and after all that time, we still only got one decent picture (of Baby B, as usual) of a face without an arm or hand blocking the whole thing.  It's like they know we want a picture and they are refusing to cooperate.  I don't know that we'll ever get a face shot of Baby A!  I guarantee that will change when they're born and I can hold those appendages out of the way! 

So here is the one picture (Baby B) that turned out from today's the foot of his brother!  Can you see his monkey toes?!

My next appointment is in 2 weeks.  Maybe they'll be more photogenic at that one!