Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 2010 update

Since it’s been over a month since the last post I figured I better write something so we can at least have something on the blog each month. A couple updates on “the boys”…

I had my regular ultrasound appointment on June 3rd. This was the first ultrasound Scott was able to attend since seeing my regular OB. He was excited to be able to see his boys again since he hadn’t seen them on the big screen since April 30th. Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy the appointment as much due to the nausea that kicked in as I laid there. It made for a longer appointment a cold washcloth on my neck and Scott fanning me. Thankfully the technician was used to this and allowed me to lie on my side. It was harder to get the measurements but at least I didn’t puke on the expensive equipment!

The results are as follows:

Baby A: Weight = 1.5lbs; Length = 12 inches long

Baby B: Weight = 1.3 lbs; Length = 11.9 inches long

Based on those results, the boys aren’t lacking in nutrition at the moment! If I were to carry them to 40 weeks I think we’d have some giants on our hands! At this point we know their delivery will be a scheduled c-section. This is due to Baby A (recently dubbed “low rider” by Nana Esther) setting up shop extremely low in my uterus. The result of that is placenta previa. While many women have this at some point during their pregnancy, the baby normally moves up later on and the mom is able to deliver naturally. As my Dr. said, you’re having twins and you’re small so there’s no room for Baby A to move up. If you know anything about placenta previa you know it can cause other complications during the pregnancy. As of right now, the only restrictions I have are no exercising other than walking (no more than 30 minutes a day) and swimming (not a bunch of laps). The swimming is to help relieve the weight that is growing. I’m sure July and August hold much time spent at my brother and sister-in-law’s house in their pool!

To my dear, growing boys…

I would be ever so grateful if you’d take a few more breaks from the punching, kicking and jumping that you love doing. Especially you, mister low rider! My bladder and a sundry of other internal organs can only take so much! Now is a good time to learn how to be gentle with the ladies, so let’s start with respecting your mother and be good, obedient boys.

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