Sunday, May 16, 2010

Must be yet-to-be-born athletes!

As Marisue went on vacation to San Diego and stayed at a beach resort, I toiled at getting the house ready for the boys. Although she said that it was a work conference she did relax a lot. The boys continue to kick each other as the ultrasound pics show and I am just sure that this will lead to very successful athletic careers. Either that or accomplished drummers. We'll just keep the drums at grandma's house.

The morning sickness continues but the only difference is that she is throwing up less. That is good in that Marisue is trying meat again and although it doesn't make her feel that good she is destined to make these boys meat eaters. Just yesterday she had In-n-Out which she reported that it didn't taste the same.  I am waiting for the day when she asks for steak and potatoes. Pure heaven that will be. I'm not allowed to cook meat in the kitchen anymore. Until then, eat whatever she can.


  1. I am glad Marisue is feeling a little better. I bet one of your boys will play baseball and maybe the other football or soccer?

  2. I hope you mean the other grandma's house - not mine ;) Glad that she's feeling a wee bit better. And after seeing that ultrasound, I'm certain that you've got the next Beckham on your hands.

  3. Sooo excited!!! :) Love you guys!
