Friday, February 26, 2010

Done with Fertility....What Do I do Now?

Delightful news befell us yesterday after our ultrasound. No, it wasn't the possible phallus siting on one of the twins according to the ultrasounder technician lady person but, the fact that we got "turfed" from the Fertility clinic because we're done. I thought we had another month to go. What am I to do without the clinic to hold my hand. This was the first day in a while that Marisue felt good enough to eat. She relishes this time because they are so few and far between. Listening to the dry heaving and not being able to anything is and will always be a struggle. Fortunately, she has not barfed on me while I am sleeping at night. That would entail a very descriptive post.

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful news! Now you just have to introduce yourself to Marisue's new doctor and maybe he/she will hold you hand now ;^)
