Friday, January 7, 2011

Time flies

It's hard to believe 2010 is over.  Weren't we just getting ready for Thanksgiving just yesterday??  While my plan was to get in a few more posts and be completely up-to-date on the blog by the end of 2010, it wasn't meant to be.  The boys are growing and doing well right now.  If I would've thought about it before sitting down to write this, I would have their last weight and height stats.  Since I didn't know I was going to have a moment to sit and write, I will have to take what I can get.  Daniel & Dean have had a grand total of 2 ear infections and two colds in the span of their 3.5 months on earth.  At this moment, Daniel is still fending off his Christmas cold and Dean is just about over it.  I guess we're just preparing to have a very strong immune system in 2011!

In an effort to catch up, here is the picture version of the November 2010.

 In November we finally conquered tummy time. By conquered I really mean that the boys now tolerate it enough to fall asleep instead of scream the whole time.  Here is Dean after he gave up and fell asleep.

Isn't that little face so precious?!  Those cheeks, lips, chin and nose are so yummy I can just eat 'em up!

 We had a couple more visitors in November.  The boys took the opportunity to show off their skills to Cathy, Uncle Andrew and Aunt Angela.  Danny is very skilled at keeping his "Thinking Man" pose throughout an entire nap.  His favorite thing is to be held while napping.
 Grandma Esther calls this his Winston Churchill pose.  Maybe he'll become a leader in politics!  I'm just certain he's thinking of how to solve all our country's current problems right here in this picture.  Don't you agree?
 Uncle Andrew is witnessing, first hand, Dean's strong lungs.  When it comes to going to bed, Dean exhibits what can only make me think is circular breathing.  He can hold his note (ok,wail) for such a long time that you know he has got to be breathing through his nose while wailing.  Maybe we should start trumpet or sax lessons right now.  As much as Uncle Andrew tried to get Dean to calm down by taking a pacifier, he ended up succumbing to using a womb-like tool...
 That's right, the sling.  Even with the sling, it took about 20 minutes for Dean to fall asleep.  I guess Dean met his match in Uncle Andrew.  One of the times his Uncle's stubborn side comes in handy!
 We were able to attend Benjamin's last soccer game of the season and celebrated Benjamin's game winning goal by going to breakfast at Einstein's. 
 November held quite a few evenings of restlessness for the boys which led to many moments of this with dad.  This helped me have time to get laundry loads started and straighten up the kitchen at the very least.
Those kinds of evenings make for mornings looking like this.  Daddy looks just a teeny bit tired, wouldn't you say?
 Our town holds a Veteran's Day parade every year so the boys and I ventured out to see the veterans.  Turns out there are more girl scouts and boy scouts than veterans in the parade!  Hannah took this picture of Dean and me. 
 Later that evening we took this picture and had very good intentions of emailing it and saying "Thank You" to Uncle Matthew, Aunt Crystal and Aunt Anita for their service to our country.  This is as far as we got with it. :(  So, THANK YOU to our veterans and especially to those that are in our family!  I tried to dress them in red, white and blue, but the only outfit we had said "Mommy needs a date night."  Oh well.  Next year we'll have something more appropriate for the day...not that mommy didn't need a date night!
 This is a good example of what I find when I check on the boys during naptime and in the mornings.  I put them to bed with about 1-2 feet of space between them and when I go check on them a couple hours later, they are right next to each other.  So precious!  I don't try to keep them separated, I just start them out that way so they get their arm flinging and leg kicking over with before getting so close to each other that someone gets a black eye.  I'm sure that will come soon enough!
 November also brought with it more tolerable bath times.  Dean actually smiles and coos during his baths now. 
 I couldn't resist taking this picture as I was getting Daniel ready for his bath.  As a kid, I used to love having my shirt on my head like that.  I thought it looked so funny!  This picture really shows how Danny is finally starting to fill out those cheeks.
 Now this picture is in homage to cousin Gregory.  I don't know that Dean or Daniel will ever have rolls like Gregory, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to try and make it look like Daniel may be catching up to his bigger cousin!
 This was a special day at church.  We got all dressed up and had a baby dedication at our church here in Tempe.  The boys looked so cute in their khakis and sweater vests.  They did well through the dedication and then Daniel was the first one to fall asleep.
 Grandma Esther had just given the boys two cute stocking hats and we thought they were so adorable on the boys!  It was perfect timing too, because it was actually quite cool and windy that morning.
After a little bit of walking around, Dean finally went to sleep, too.
 Here we are with Steve & Ginny Burgess.  We are so blessed to have them in our lives!  Steve and Ginny are Layla & Easton's Oma & Opa (Grandma & Grandpa).  Ginny made the boys two beautiful quilts with their names and birth details on them!  Thank you Ginny!  We were so happy to have you both at church that day!
 The lovely picture of us was taken by this trio.  Bronson with his twin kiddos, Easton & Layla.  Kendra was there, too...just not in this self portrait.  You can tell Bronson has taken a few thousand photos of himself with the twins!
 Here we are on our way home from church that day.  We're smiling because we made it through the morning AND the boys are both sleeping in their car seats!  Go team!
 The not-so-fun part of November was the 2-month vaccinations.  I wasn't able to take pictures of the boys getting their shots because I had to hold them still.  Here is Danny slurping up the nasty tasting tylenol mixture after the vaccines were done.  Actually, I had to take them twice because we broke up the vaccines so they didn't have to get so many all at once.
 Here is what they looked like after we got home.  I'd say the vaccines take a lot out of you!
 We stayed in Arizona for Thanksgiving this year and spent it with the Johnsons (Scott's eldest sister's family).  The boys hadn't been feeling well (ear infections) and we weren't quite ready to take a road trip at this point.  We had a wonderful lunch!  The boys slept through almost everything though.  Here is cousin Ruthie holding Dean.  She really knows how to put a baby to sleep!
 Uncle Todd held Danny for a while and this is what he looked like the whole time.  Daniel really loves his sleep and prefers to do it as much as we'll let him.
We didn't really take a lot of pictures this day.  I gave the camera to our nephew-in-law, Jeff, and he took a couple pictures.  This is what our lovely table looked like before we ate.  The kids made our table name cards.  Those little hands were so cute!

So, that's pretty much the month of November.  Of course we took more pictures and a ton of video clips.  I'm still unable to upload videos onto the blog though, so until I get it figured out, pictures are all I've got.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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