Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Enjoy by..."

So...I have lots of pictures and moments to write about and post for the month of November.  I seemed to only get one post on the blog though.  Just in case I forget some of those things, I wanted to post this short one. 

I hadn't cleaned out our fridge the weekend the boys were born until the end of October (don't judge!).  When that spare moment did come, I seized it, and everything in the fridge that had to be pitched.  Well, one of those items was a carton of eggs (really only 4 or 5 left).  When I opened the carton to take a look, I noticed our eggs had been stamped with the date by which you need to consume the eggs or toss them.  We obviously hadn't used them by that date (since it was the end of October!), so I was about to trash them when I realized the date on the eggs was the date the boys were born.  Now, before you start wondering if I drained the eggs and had the shells preserved, I will save you the time and tell you, no, I did not do that.  Instead I took advantage of the opportunity to take yet another picture.  Scott knew I was in the kitchen cleaning out the fridge, so he was surprised to see camera flashes.  I'm pretty sure he thought I was a bit sleep deprived when he saw I was photographing two eggs in a carton on the counter.  After explaining to him what I was doing, he said "ok," and walked back into the living room.

Here's the picture...

Now isn't that pretty cool?  See why I just had to take a photo of those eggs??  Even though our plan was to deliver the boys a few days later, the boys knew their "enjoy by" date and made sure we were going to enjoy them that exact date!  Okay, I'll stop now.  I should really get in a quick nap before the boys wake up again...we'll see if that happens!

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